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Naturalist Ged Caddick takes people around the world….bringing a National Geographic program to life, whether he takes you to see the Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda, Africa or following in Darwin’s footsteps into the Galapagos, or Torres del Paine National Park in Patagonia, South America to see Puma’s, Condors and more. No matter which trip you choose, from an East African safari to Borneo, you will see nature, and you will give back to nature. That’s one thing unique about Terra Incognita Ecotours, Caddick himself will be on your tour; each trip gives back to the very place you’re seeing to empower local people and to conserve the very wildlife you came to view. Caddick talks about his sometimes harrowing and always exciting experiences, from coming nose to nose with wild Mountain Gorilla to seeing Jaguar in South America to various endangered lemur species in Madagascar.
