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In this 13th episode of “Elton Jim” Turano’s “CAPTAIN POD-TASTIC,” Jim Turano cites a new report that states flossing your teeth doesn’t provide as much good as once thought.  He hilariously discusses his dental history, which for his first 20 years included no cavities — and then was followed up by a root canal.  He also mentions how he recently posted on Facebook a picture when he sky-dived in 2001 — and was surprised to see how most of the comments dealt with the pink jump suit he was wearing! And in the latest segment of “Pop Culture Club,” with Mick Kayler, “Elton Jim” and Mick wonder why Sandra Bullock  will soon lead an all-female remake of “Ocean’s Eleven.”   Didn’t the recent re-boot of “Ghostbusters” offer any lessons?