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Jones sees the latest trailer to Matt Damon’s upcoming film, The Great Wall, and he is left wondering when white privilege/ needless white heroism will come to an end in Hollywood. Listing the numerous ethnic roles that have been usurped by white people in Tinsel Town Mike thinks the problem is more about the color green than it is about black and white. And traveling on another jaunt into the world of Jones’s awkwardness Mike is questioned about his children’s future sex lives. And Jones details why he would never agree to officiate the marriage of family, friends or acquaintances.

Show Highlights:

00:01:09 – Jones thinks Matt Damon’s upcoming film, The Great Wall, is the latest example of white privilege in Hollywood.

00:12:27 – Jones and Mike discuss the numerous times that white people have “stolen” roles that should have gone to minority actors.

00:34:26 – Are you prepared to accept your children’s sex life?

00:50:52 – Jones insists that he would never officiate a wedding ceremony.