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Joan Rivers remains on life support, five days after going into cardiac arrest. The FBI says that it is addressing allegations that online accounts of several celebrities, including Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence, had been hacked. Tech expert Dan Fedor joined Garry to talk tech news and also debuted the new official “GarrForce” FlyGrip for smartphones. Would-be passengers in Australia and New Zealand were invited to share their bucket lists in hopes of winning a free ticket. The California state Legislature passed a bill banning the use of plastic bags at California grocery stores, pharmacies, liquor stores and other businesses. WGN TV Meteorologist Tom Skilling joined Garry and talked about the new, expanded newscast beginning next week. A Florida woman aboard a Delta flight flipped out after another passenger reclined her seat and demanded the airline immediately land the plane so she could get off. Plus, a wedding devolved into a brawl with three people arrested after the groom hit on a wedding reception worker.



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